Monday, September 07, 2009

Summer ends (Westbank trip)

On the 26th of August we headed up to Westbank for week of holidays before the kids go back to school. This time our friend Glen from South Africa joined us. He is now living in Toronto going to school and pastoring a church out there.


One of the first things we did was go back to the go karts, the big difference this time that Kyle got to drive his own kart! He actually did pretty good, he crashed a few times on the hair pin turn, which was kind of funny. They both had a lot of fun!



At the park in Kelowna


One day we drove the boat to Rattlesnake Island and tubed on the way back.


On the weekend Dave and Estelle visited us, on Sunday we went out waterskiing. They hadn't skied in while so they got out there and did well.



Dave taking a 'secret' read at Estelle's intriguing novel


We had a fun visit with Dave and Estelle(we always do;-) but they could only stay 2 nights.
On Monday we went to Penticton for the day. I had never been tubing down the channel before so we took in a Penticton tradition and floated.


Soon after started going down the channel, we ate our lunch. We were headed to the side and we asked Aaron to push us towards the center of the channel. As he was trying to push us, he fell out of the tube with his sandwich in hand! Needless to say it got soaked, Aaron was upset but we found it rather humorous:-)



It was quite hot out, so a swim in the channel was refreshing.


After we went to Skaha Lake and to the waterpark nearby


We each got an ice cream, Kyle like the ice cream, but not the cone.


At the waterpark


We visited with Shelby's grandparents and had a wonderful dinner


At the beginning of this trip I was trying to get Kyle to jump in the pool by himself. He had done it last year, but eventually got scared of doing it. He might have hurt himself one time. I was trying to help him get his confidence back, but it seemed to no avail. Towards the end of our trip, without any prompting from us, he starting jumping in on his own and he didn't stop. He literally must have jumped 50 times in a row!


So we had another great week in the Okakngan and it was a nice way to end the summer holidays for the kids and us too!


Elizabeth said...

Shelby sure looks like her grandma. So many fun times. The float down the river looks especially cool.

Island Ma and Pa said...

nice shots Eric...Glen is looking so good...looks like everyone had fun - even Gramma and Papa!

Sara & Jamie said...

awesome! i love the ones of the boys in the go karts!! gramma and papa look great!