Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A visit to the Apple Barn

On Monday after school we headed out with some friends to the Apple Barn in Abbotsford. It was a beautiful fall day so it was perfect for picking some apples and pumpkins and enjoying all the other things the Apple Barn offers.


There is an old truck there that they have painted up to look like Mater


Why is it so difficult to get smiling faces????


Kyle in the bunny room. They have a bit of a petting zoo for the kids to enjoy. There is the bunny side and then the goat side. Aidan and Kyle were the brave ones of our group who ventured into the goats with me. Those goats were a bit pushy.



They have a huge inflatable pillow/trampoline. I think this was a highlight of the adventure.



The slide below is one of two crazy steep slides they have there. Kyle went down this one and as he did it sounded like he was going to come right out the side of it because he was hitting the sides so hard. He only did it once than decided the slow one was better for him. As well as the slides they have a little corn maze for the kids, bee hives, pumpkin and apple picking, apple goods for sale and probably other stuff I didn't see. They even do hay rides on weekends.



Here they are doing some apple picking.



The pylon on Kyle's head was supposed to go on our car but we walked to the field instead of driving.




This was a great way to start off our week! We had lots of fun.


Elizabeth said...

Great pictures of a fun day! That really was hilarious when Kyle went down that slide. I love the pic of all the kids on the trampoline and them walking up the hill.

Shelbs said...

Too bad we didn't get a picture of Keira doing her flip.

rachel joy said...

you picked a good time to go, it probably wasn't too busy at that time of day. (We stay away from that slide!)