Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mark and Sylvie's wedding

September seemed like a busy month as we had something going on every weekend. For the last weekend in September we were off to celebrate my brother Mark's wedding to Sylvie.
Our journey began on Thursday as we visited Shelby's parents in Courtenay and left Keisha with them. On Friday morning we went south and headed to Shawnigan Lake. The weather on Friday was a beautiful sunny day and I was thinking, it would be nice to switch the wedding to today as I knew it would slowly get worse as the weekend went on.
We stopped by our bed and breakfast place in Shawnigan Lake and it was very nice, had pretty much everything you would want in a place including another hot tub!
In the afternoon we went to Mark and Sylvie's new house in Victoria for the pre-wedding get together to meet some friends of Sylvie's and our Mexican relatives who had flown up the day before.
Then we headed to dinner at a place called The Med Grill. It was good food and made for a nice place to eat. As we were driving home, I noticed I left my camera at the restaurant, we weren't too far away when I noticed, luckily my cousin had grabbed it for me. Could have been a big deal as I was the photographer for the wedding on Saturday.
When we got home Mike and I checked out the hot tub which was nice, even had massaging jets on it.

Here is our B&B we stayed at, this was taken on Friday. We were on the bottom floor.


Saturday morning we had some free time, as I didn't have to meet Mark till noon to take pictures.
I took Aaron on the canoe and Viva joined us. We went out on the lake for about 45 minutes and had a nice canoe ride.

Mike and my cousin David took out the kayak. I think this is where they are trying to pass us on the canoe.


Kyle watching from the shore.


I was watching the weather and it seemed to be holding, although it seemed like it could rain at any moment. Since their wedding was not till 5 pm they decided to do the photos before the wedding. I met Mark at his house and we went to Sylvie's parents house where she was patiently waiting for Mark to show. Maybe she was waiting too long as she had the 'Will Mark show up for the wedding?' thoughts. Finally in Sylvie's parents apartment she was able to come out of the bedroom where Mark was stunned at how beautiful Sylvie was. Eventually after the shock and kissing we were on our way to get some photos.

The grand entrance


Photos were taken in Beacon Hill Park, thankfully the rain held off or these shots would not have been.





Yes this was a little pre-emptive, but oh well

After the photos we headed up to Shawnigan Lake, where the ceremony and reception were to take place. On the way they were getting a little hungry. So a stop to A&W was in order, but no ketchup on anything!


As we got to Shawnigan Lake the rain began to fall and it was decided to have the wedding indoors in the Banquet Hall. The ceremony and reception took place at Steeples the Church Restaurant as it used to be a United Church. The ceremony went well and after which we headed upstairs for more pictures and dinner.






One way to describe the wedding would be quaint. There were about 30 guests, so not too big. For the most part things were kept pretty simple, but that is just the way they wanted it. Sylvie makes a great a addition to our family and we wish them best in a long future together.


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Looks like a beautiful wedding. You took some great pictures. Does your life get to slow down now?