Monday, September 24, 2007

A Sunshine Coast wedding

Almost a year ago I was asked to take pictures for our long time friend Kate's wedding to Glenn at Robert's Creek on the Sunshine Coast. When I was asked it seemed like such a long way away, but eventually the day would come.
Meanwhile Shelby found a place to stay for the weekend nearby called the Trails End Cottage
So last Friday morning we left the kids with Shelby's brother for an 'Unc Unc Weekend' and we took the ferry over to the Sunshine Coast. When we arrived the Sunshine Coast was anything but sunny, more like the Rainy Coast!

We found our accommodations and the cottage right on the water, very nice. We didn't have much time at the cottage at that point as we had to head to the pre-wedding BBQ to meet the others that were part of the wedding. After the BBQ, I went to check out some possible locations to take photos after the wedding and then we got to spend the rest of the evening and the morning at our cottage by the sea. There was even a hot tub and I took a few pictures of the area.




We were not totally sure what the weather was going to be like on Saturday, as there was a storm that passed through the night and some thunder for Shelby to enjoy.

The next morning we awoke to beautiful sunshine as the name implies.



We had the morning free to explore, so we went to Sechelt and found the farmers market.
Shelby found some nice smelling(or stinky as I like to call it) soap and a cool glass ring.
We also walked along the beach and we both took some pictures.




Well noon had arrived and I headed to Kate's house as she was finishing getting ready. My job as photographer would begin. I ended up taking over 700 pictures figuring there should be at least a few good ones in there:-)
The wedding was a lot of fun in a beautiful setting on the beach and the weather was great as well. NO one yet, except Shelby and I, have seen my pictures, so YOU our faithful few blog readers get to see a few of the pictures from the wedding to give you a glimpse of the day.

The Bride

The Ceremony

The Toast

The Voyage

The Party

We eventually headed back to cottage after midnight and you would think that without kids, on a secluded beach cottage, you should be able to sleep in, but no 6:30 came and I was wide awake! Anyway we had a busy/fun weekend and headed back to our kids. Not sure if they even missed us as they had lots of Unc Unc stories to share. Thanks Jamie for looking after our kids.
And Kate and Glenn, if you read this, congratulations! and sorry for all the grammar mistakes!


Sara & Jamie said...

what a great place to have a wedding!! i am soooo happy for the bride and groom that the weather held up!!

i liked the looking at the selected few photos you posted....i look forward to seeing the rest of them!!

Unknown said...

Loved the pictures, agree that it would be great to see the rest but maybe not 700 :-)