Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Kyle turns 3

So last Friday was Kyle's 3rd birthday, we had a little family birthday party with my parents and Mike and Viva. Kyle got a little more Jello which he liked.


Aaron decided that he wanted to give Kyle the semi-truck from the movie Cars called Mack, to be from him. As soon as Kyle opened it, Aaron wanted to play with it, he lets Kyle with it sometimes too.


The next day I took Kyle to get a haircut from the $5 place in Cloverdale, it's where the boys and I usually get a haircut. Kyle has been there a few times and he cries the whole way through the haircut. This time I said to Kyle 'are you going to cry at your haircut?' He said 'No.' Well he cried through the clippers, but not through the scissors, he's improving!



Here is the video evidence:

This video can only be described as 'He's his mothers son!' :-)

Welcome to 3 Kyle!


Unknown said...

Those are priceless pictures & videos.
Love them

Estelle said...

that hairdresser deserves a great tip!

Island Ma and Pa said...

Great videos - you had me crying for both of for the clippers....aaahhhhhh...and the other for the funny ... I can see that one coming out at a wedding dance..LMBO

Elizabeth said...

You can't much cuter than that!