Friday, August 22, 2008

Back in BC

On Saturday we left from Edmonton to Westbank, it was a 12 hour drive with the few stops along the way. Once we came into BC the rain started to fall and even saw some lightning on the way. Once we finally arrived in Westbank we were greeted with a nice rainbow out the back of the house. It has been a year since we were in Westbank and there have been a few changes as it has been heavily renovated.


The weather on Sunday was improving from the rain, but it was still a bit cool. We took the kids to the Go-Karts and then to visit Shelby's grandpa (Papa). The kids enjoyed the Go-Karts and Aaron thinks he's an expert driver now.



For the rest of the week it warmed up to what we expect in the Okanagan and being in the pool was a regular fixture for the rest of the week. I finally brought my WP-500 out again after not using it for a while.


I was also playing around with the colour accent feature on my Canon point and shoot, it lets you highlight one colour and the rest is in black and white, I think makes for some interesting results.




On Tuesday we took the boat out with the kids and tried out the 'Big Mabel' It allows the kids to sit on the floating mattress and it's not too easy for them to fall out. They seemed to really enjoy that.





On Wednesday we went to Kelowna to once again visit Ogopogo, something we seem to do every year is take a picture of the kids on it.



At another famous Kelowna landmark.


After they went to the nearby waterpark to cool off.


We came home from the Island last Thursday and spent one night at home only to load up our tent trailer for Vancouver Island for Shelby's dad's camping retirement party. More on that in the next post...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Looks like the perfect holiday!