Wednesday, September 02, 2009


OK a bit behind again on the blogging. Hopefully I can get caught up in the next week or so. In the middle of August 5 families from our church went camping for 2 nights at Allouette Lake. There were 12 kids between the ages of 3-6! They all got along pretty well. On Friday evening as we were setting up our various campsites, the kids were playing behind us on a hill where we could still see them for the most part. Some managed to find a bee's nest in the ground and 2 kids in the same family got stung, so their mom went to get them and she gets a wasp caught in her hair, so it was quite the start to the trip! I went up to try to plug the hole in the ground where the nest was and ended up with a wasp inside my jacket, I got a slight sting, but it didn't hurt too much. Wasps were a main theme for the weekend as the next day another boy was stung twice and they were always present during meal times.

On Saturday most of the group went for a walk to the Lower Falls. 11 of the 12 kids went for the walk. We thought Kyle wouldn't make it and I wasn't about to carry him for any length of time. We tried to get the 11 kids to pose on a bridge for us, but Lily was too shy, but we did manage to get 10 of them.

Here is Aaron and I at our destination Lower Falls.


When we came back Shelby's brother Jamie and his wife Sara joined us for our second night of camping. They brought their beloved dog Jack with them. Perhaps ironic was the fact that another family in our group had a dog named Jack as well, so some confusion occurred.


A number of the kids really liked dogs, so Keisha and the other dogs endured being harassed, I mean receiving a lot of attention:-) Here is Talina with Keisha. Not sure exactly what Keisha is thinking?


Shelby, Jamie and Kyle thought they would swim in the cold water of Allouette Lake on Saturday.


The weather of Saturday wasn't too bad, overcast, but on Sunday it was a beautiful day. As we were all packing up Lauren wandered off. We thought she would be easy to find but it actually took a good 20 minutes to find her. Thankfully it turned out well.


After we packed up we went to Gold Creek with Jamie and Sara where the dogs and us could go swimming. The water was a little cold but you got used to it, quite refreshing.


We had a fun weekend camping and getting to know the other families better as we don't normally hang out with them that much. When we asked Aaron what his favorite part of his whole summer, he said it was camping.

1 comment:

Sara & Jamie said...

i love the one if you and A at lower falls!! and of course the one with ky and MJB!!! i thought aaron said his favourite moment was winning the musical chairs contest! that was awesome!!!